As a coach, you've likely used your client's 1 rep max to calculate their training weight. This is a straightforward way to program workouts, but can eat up a lot of time if you have to do it manually!
That’s why we added an auto-progression feature to enable easy percentage-based training. This allows you to program workouts based off your client's 1RM instantly.
We use the Epley Method for the calculation.
How to use 1RM%
Note: This feature only works with exercises categorized under 'Strength'.
Choose a client and go to their training calendar.
Add an exercise or choose an existing exercise.
Click Use %.
Add the % of 1 RM you’d like to program.
The weight will auto-complete based on past workouts.
It’s as simple as that. And as your clients hit new PRs, their programming will continue to adjust automatically.
** Note: At least one workout using a given exercise must be logged in order to use this feature. Or else, you can manually update the client's 1RM for the exercise.
Up Next: View and Edit Client Metrics