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Track Body Metrics

How to customize the list of metrics to track, and add metric results

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over 8 months ago

The Metrics feature allows you to enter and track client progress through a multitude of metrics.

Quick links

Choose what metrics to track

To start, navigate to the Metrics tab from the client page then click on the Manage Metrics button.

Simply check (or uncheck) any metrics on the metric list to make them available to track for the client. Everfit has a large default list of metrics you can choose from.

Once the metric is checked off, you can click on the Pin icon to pin up to 4 metrics on the Client's overview and Client mobile app.

​Click on Save once you're done. All selected metrics will be added to a default group named All Metrics.

Note: Remember to choose at least 1 metric before you save.

Create a custom Metric

If you can't find the metrics you want to track in our default list, create your own with ease. Simply click the + Add New Metric button in the lower left corner.

Once you've selected + Add New Metric, you can then enter a metric name, type, and unit of measurement. Then click on the Create button to save it to your list of metrics.

Track client progress

Once you have customized your list of desired metrics, click on any metric in the metric list to see specific data and measurements for that metric. 

Update an individual metric

You can save a result for an individual metric by choosing the metric and selecting the + Add Result icon in the Progress section.

Besides adding the measurement value, you can also add the date and time of entry.

Update multiple metrics at once

You can add results for multiple (or all) metrics at once by clicking the Update All button on the right side of the Client's Body Metrics Overview.

Or click the Update Result button of the All Metrics group.

Edit or delete a measurement entry

You have the option to effortlessly edit or remove an entry from either the 'By Week' or 'All Entries' view by simply clicking on the recycle bin button to delete or the pencil icon to edit.

  • By Week view

  • All Entries view

Set a metric goal

You can save a target number by clicking on the Add Goal button to set a goal for your client. This will help you keep track of their progress towards the goal.

The new metric goal will show up on the chart and Client mobile app after being saved.

Weekly average calculation

For the date range which is from 2 weeks to 3 months, you can click on the Daily button to change the data calculation to Weekly.

For the date range which is over 3 months, the default data calculation will be Weekly.

Once the Weekly option is selected, you can see the Weekly average calculation when hovering over each particular data point on the chart.

Chart Settings

You can adjust the settings for the chart of each particular metric by clicking on the Chart Settings icon. The customizable settings include Chart type, Data point, Chart color, Unit, and Key metrics.

Pro tips

  • Assign your client recurring body metric tasks to remind them to log measurements and improve accountability here

  • You can also disable the metric function for an individual client here

Compare charts

Click the "compare" icon, then select the metric you want to compare with the current chart.

The second metric chart is displayed below the current one for comparison. You can hover over a bar or point to view data for both metrics.

You can click on the compare box again to select a different metric for comparison.

To exit the compare mode, simply click on the “x” icon.

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