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Overview: Section Library

A library for section templates

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over 2 years ago

Everfit's section library helps you manage all your training sections easily and efficiently. You can also share certain Sections with your teammates.

Quick links:

Create a Section

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to the Section Library and click on the “Add New Section” button.

2. Choose one from the 5 section formats: Regular, Interval, AMRAP, Timed, and FreeStyle.

Fill out details for the section by adding section name, instructions, etc.

3. Hit Save or Save & Close when you’re done.

Learn more about Workout Sections here.

Add sections to a workout

  1. From a specific client’s dashboard, click on the Training tab. Click on the (+) button, then choose "Create New" to create a Workout.

A workout builder will then appear.

2. There are two ways for you to add the Section to the workout

2.1. Drag and drop the section from the Section panel

Step 1:

From the left panel of the workout builder, switch to the "Sections" tab, then you will see all the Sections previously saved to the Section library and you can search for your Sections there.

Step 2:

You can drag the section from the panel and drop it into your workout.

Step 3:

Click the Save or Save & Close when you’re done.

2.2. Choose the Sections from the library

Step 1:

On the right panel of the workout builder, click on the "Add Section" button.

Step 2:

From there, you can choose any sections by clicking on the "Choose from library" button.

Step 3:

From the pop-up screen, you can preview all pre-saved Sections and search for your Sections. Click on the Section you want and hit "Select" to add it to the workout.

Step 4:

After the Section is added to the workout, click Save or Save & Close to finish.

Edit a section

From the Section Library, you can simply click on the menu "..." button of a Section to edit it.

Note: When you change a Section in the library, it will not affect the Sections that have already been assigned in a workout. However, when you assign a Section in the future, it will always use the new configuration.

Duplicate a Section

Click on the menu “...” button and choose to duplicate the Section. A screen will appear that lets you customize the Section before duplicating it.

Hit Save or Save & Close when you’re done.

Delete a Section

From the same menu, you will be able to delete a Section on the main page.

Search Sections

On the top left corner of the Section Library, you can search for a Section by keyword or name. You can also filter by Section Format or Owner.

Sharing settings

The Sections you create will be private to you by default. To update the sharing settings, you can click on the “...” button and choose “Sharing settings”, or click on the “Sharing” icon.

A screen will pop up and allow you to choose whether to keep the Section private for your own use or share it with other coaches on your team.

When a Section is shared, the Sharing icon will be highlighted to differentiate it from a private Section. The initials of the Section owner will show up next to the Section.

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