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Introducing: Onboarding Flow

Enable automated program assignment and onboarding for new clients.

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over a week ago

The Onboarding Flow feature allows coaches to automate the setup process for new clients by smoothly integrating the onboarding form, onboarding message, assignments, and an autoflow.

  • This feature is exclusively available on the Pro and Studio plans.

Check out Everfit Automation Tutorials here.

Quick links:

Learn how to set up multiple onboarding flows using the Automation add-on here.

How to create an onboarding flow

You can access the "Onboarding Flow" feature from the Automation menu tab.

Types of assets

Within an Onboarding Flow, there are 5 distinct asset types:

  1. Onboarding Forms: These are utilized to gather essential information from clients, including their preferences and health history.

  2. Onboarding Messages: Similar to the in-app messages used in Autoflow, these messages are designed to communicate with, guide, and instruct new users throughout their onboarding journey.

  3. Assignments: These encompass programs and forums designed to engage and acquaint new users with the platform.

  4. On-Demand: Includes resource collections, workout collections, and studio programs, offering abundant helpful information and training programs tailored to the specific demands of new users.

  5. Recipe Book (available on the Meal Plans & Recipe Books add-on): Includes a recipe collection with searchable, filterable recipes and downloadable PDF with static recipe content.

  6. Autoflow (available as an Automation add-on): This feature enriches the onboarding process by offering automated and scheduled workouts, tasks, messages, and customizable settings.

These asset types collectively enhance the onboarding experience for both coaches and clients.


  • You can easily activate or deactivate any assets by toggling their status on or off.

  • When an asset is set to "active," it will be included in the Onboarding Flow, whereas setting it to "inactive" means it won't be included.

How to set up onboarding assets

Onboarding Forms

You can utilize any custom form from the Forms & Questionnaires library for the Onboarding Form. Alternatively, you can choose from three available form templates:

  • Welcome Form: This form is used to collect basic personal information.

  • Medical History/PAR-Q Form: This form is designed to gather health-related data.

  • Nutrition Intake Form: This form is designed to collect dietary information, which can then be used to generate personalized meal plans.

You can include up to 2 forms in the Onboarding Flow.

Add a form

  1. Click the "Choose Form" button.

  2. In the pop-up that appears, select the form you wish to add and click "Add."

3. For form templates, depending on the form you select, either the Welcome Form pop-up or the Medical History/PARQ-Form pop-up will be displayed.

Within these pop-ups, the questions are pre-defined, with some being mandatory and others optional. You can choose to include or exclude optional questions using the toggle icon.

4. Once you have set up the questions according to your preferences, click the "Add Form" button.

5. After adding the first form, the Onboarding Form container will be displayed as shown below.

6. To include a second form, simply click on the "+ Add another form" option.

7. The second form should be distinct from the first one, and the selection for the first form will become disabled. After making your selection, click the "Add" button.

The subsequent steps for adding the second form will mirror those you followed when adding the first form.

Edit a form

  1. To make changes to the form, click on the "Edit" or "Edit in Library" button.

2. To edit a form:

  • For form templates, you can hide or unhide optional questions and then click the "Update Form" button to save your changes.

  • For other custom forms, you will need to edit them directly from the Forms Library.

3. To remove a form, you can hover over the form and click on the "x" button.

Onboarding Messages

Set up messages

  1. Click the “Setup message” button, and a pop-up will appear.

2. Provide a title for the welcome messages and set up the delivery schedule, which is based on the client’s time zone.

  • You have two sending options: “During Period” and “Immediately.”

    • For "During Period," the default time is 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM, but you can customize it by clicking on the timebox. Messages will be sent to new clients when they access the "Today" screen for the first time within the chosen timeframe. If they log in outside this period, the message will be sent the next day at the specified "From" time.

    • With "Immediately," messages are sent instantly when clients access the "Today" screen on the mobile app for the first time.

Optionally, you can select the “Delay after” checkbox for both sending options to postpone the message delivery after clients reach the "Today" screen. By default, this option is unchecked.

3. Input your message:

  • Two default messages are pre-set, but you can choose to delete them and create your own. You can create a maximum of 3 messages.

  • You also have the option to upload media and utilize “Autofill Variables” to insert content into your messages.

4. Once you have configured your message, click ‘Schedule’ to save your settings.

Edit onboarding messages

  1. Click the "Edit" button and make changes to your scheduled messages.

  2. Once you have finished editing, click the "Update" button to save your changes.


There are two assignment types: programs and forums.

  1. To add a program, you can either search for the program's name or choose from the dropdown menu by selecting your desired program from the list.

  2. Once selected, you have the option to delete the program by clicking on the "x" icon or switch to another program by clicking the box again.

The process for adding a forum to the Onboarding Flow is identical, and you can follow the same steps.

Discover how to use question triggers to set up conditional assignments based on client responses here.


There are 3 types of On-demand assets: Resource Collections, Workout Collections, and Studio Programs.

  1. Tap the "+" icon to choose up to 5 resource collections, workout collections, and studio programs.

  2. Click on 'Add' when you have finished.

Once added, you can remove assets by following these steps:

  1. Hover over a collection to reveal the menu icon.

  2. Click on this icon and select "Remove" to delete the collection from your Onboarding Flow.

Recipe Book

  1. Tap the "+" icon to choose up to 5 recipe books.

  2. Click on 'Add' when you have finished.

Once added, you can remove recipe books by the following steps:

  1. Hover over a recipe book to view the 3 dots icon.

  2. Click on this icon and select ‘Remove’ to delete the recipe book from your Onboarding Flow.


  1. To add an autoflow to the onboarding flow, you can either search for the autoflow's name or choose from the dropdown menu by selecting your desired autoflow from the list.

  2. Once selected, you have the option to delete the autoflow by clicking on the "x" icon or switch to another autoflow by clicking the box again

Save Onboarding Flow as draft

Once you have configured the assets in the Onboarding Flow, simply click the "Save Draft" button to save your progress.

Upon saving, you will be able to view and access only the assets that have been added and are currently active.

Publish/Unpublish Onboarding Flow

When you are prepared to assign all the assets to new clients, click the "Publish" button. This action will ensure that all new clients who sign up receive the assets you have configured.

After publishing the Onboarding Flow, you also have the option to unpublish it if needed.

Edit Onboarding Flow

To make changes to all the assets within the Onboarding Flow, click the "Edit" button. Once you've completed your edits, be sure to click "Save Changes" to save the updates, or select "Cancel Changes" if you wish to revert to the previous state.

What your clients will see

When your clients log in to the mobile app for the first time, they will encounter a Welcome screen for the Onboarding Form.

To initiate the form, clients should tap on the "Let's start" button and provide answers to all the questions displayed on the form before submitting it. If you've included two forms in the Onboarding Flow, clients will encounter the second Welcome screen for the second form after submitting the first one. To begin the second form, clients should tap on the "Let's start" button once more.

Upon completing all the forms, and optionally watching the Welcome Video, clients will arrive at the "Today" screen.

On the "Today" screen, clients will find Onboarding messages in their inbox, as well as any assigned workouts, forum posts, or tasks.

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