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Hide Workouts from Clients

Hide uploaded future workouts from your clients

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over a week ago


Prearrange clients' workout routines in advance while keeping the details undisclosed until the day of the workout.

From the training calendar

Navigate to a client's training calendar, then click on the '...' button associated with a specific workout to conceal it from the client's view.

The planned workout will remain hidden from the client until you decide to unhide it.

When a workout is hidden, you'll notice a closed-eye icon positioned next to the workout's name.

To unhide a workout, simply click on the same menu button.

Hide/unhide multiple workouts

For the convenience of hiding or unhiding multiple workouts simultaneously, you can select them all and utilize the 'Hide from client' option located at the bottom of the screen.

From the workout builder

Access the workout of your choice and tap the '...' button to access the Workout settings.

Subsequently, a pop-up window will appear, offering you the option to either hide or unhide the workout from the client. Once you've made your selection, click 'Save setting' to save your changes.

What your clients see

If a client has a hidden workout scheduled for the day, they will encounter a banner on the Today screen of the client app that reads 'Workout scheduled.'

Coach app

  1. From the client’s calendar

When you open a client's training calendar within the coach app, you can easily choose a workout to either hide or unhide it.

If a workout has been hidden from the client, you will notice a closed-eye icon next to it as an indicator.

2. From the workout detail

When you log a workout, you can also click on the 'Settings' icon to conceal or reveal the workout to the client from the workout detail screen.

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