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Workout Builder Overview

Understanding the Workout Builder

Jon Wang avatar
Written by Jon Wang
Updated over a year ago

Our Workout Builder features powerful capabilities for faster programming and smart tools that boost your productivity while creating your personalized workouts.

Understanding the Workout Builder

There are 3 main sections in our workout builder:

  • Exercises & Sections library panel (Left)

This panel allows quick access to your personal library, so you can build your workout with ease. We have included a smart filter in this panel so you can sort exercises based on primary focus, category, and video availability. You can also click on individual exercises to preview the video or cover image to make sure you are selecting the correct exercise.

  • Workout Builder interface (Center)

Our updated workout builder comes with easy drag-and-drop capabilities to help you create workouts effortlessly. You can add exercises and different sections (regular, interval, AMRAP, or timed), edit the workout name and description, and input all the details of the workout you are building.

On top, you will also find a sharing button that allows you to change ownership and sharing settings if you’re on a team.

  • Workout Arrangement panel (Right)

The Arrangement panel presents a bird’s eye view of the workout you are editing. You can also make quick changes to the order of the exercises and sections that have been added to the workout.

  • Workout Schedule panel (Right)

This panel is available when you edit a workout that has been assigned to a calendar or a program. From here, you can explore all the other workouts assigned on that calendar to let you compare notes when you are programming. On a client’s training calendar, you can even switch to see the workout history of a client for better insight.

Let’s explore how to create your first workout here.

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