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Introducing: AI Workout Builder

Understanding the powerful AI workout builder

Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over 3 months ago

Creating a workout is your first step to assigning a training regimen for your clients. With Everfit, you can expedite this process by utilizing the AI Assistant.

Let’s get started!

Understanding the AI Workout Builder

In the Workout Library, you'll find the Everfit AI feature located at the top right corner. Simply click on the button to open the AI-assisted builder pop-up.

Onboarding Tour

Our Guided Onboarding Tour has everything you need! Simply follow each step, click 'Got it,' and you’ll be ready to dive into each feature.

Generating workouts

There are 4 main sections in our AI workout builder:

1. AI Assistant & Standard Builder (Left)

2. Workout Builder interface (Center)

3. Workout Arrangement panel (Right) (Workout Builder Overview)

4. Workout Schedule panel (Right) (Workout Builder Overview)

AI Assistant & Standard Builder (Left)

We've integrated a smart feature within the AI Assistant tab, allowing you to swiftly create a workout from your text-based form with the least effort. Alternatively, you can switch to the Standard Builder to manually create the workout in the usual manner.

Generated workout by text

  1. Simply click on the Try an example here button, and an example with the basic format of the prompt will be filled into the text area. It helps you imagine how to write prompts to create workouts properly.

  2. How to write a workout prompt

  • To create a workout consisting of only single exercises, you should not use any signal words that indicate the workout section or superset. Simply list the exercises on a new line below the workout name or workout creation command. For example:

    Build this workout: Day 1

    Rotating bears 1 set of 15 reps

    Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat 4 sets of 5 reps (each side) rest for 2 minutes

    Hex (Trap) Bar Deadlift⁣⁣⁣ 4 sets of 5 reps rest for 2 minutes

  • To create a superset, you should use sequential numbering or sequential numbering with text before the exercise name, also use the signal words such as “circuit, triset, quadset” as an indicator. For example:

    Superset workout

    1a. BB Deadlift 3x10-12 with tempo 3-X-X-X

    1b. Bird Dog 3x8-10 (each side) rest for 1 minute 30 seconds

    2a. Slow Box step up 3x10-12 (each side)

    2b. TRX push-up 3x8-10

  • To create a workout with a section, you may have the word "section" in the prompt. Otherwise, the prompt should have the signal words as an indicator for a particular section format & section types (Workout, Cool down, Recovery, Warm-up) to let AI Assistant know what section you are mentioning:

    • For the Interval section, simply use the text "Interval" in the prompt. Otherwise, use signal words “Circuit, EMOM, HIIT, Tabata” as an indicator. For example:

      EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute):

      Minute 1: 12 Burpees

      Minute 2: 20 Kettlebell Swings

      Minute 3: 15 Box Jumps

      Repeat for 15 minutes

    • For the AMRAP section, simply use the text "AMRAP" in the prompt. Otherwise, use signal words “as many rounds as possible” as an indicator. For example:

      As many Rounds as possible in 8 min

      Lat Pulldown: 12 reps

      12 Reverse Lunges (each leg)

      8 Diamond Push-Ups

      5 Jump Squats

    • For the Timed section, simply use the text "Timed" in the prompt. Otherwise, use signal words “{number} rounds” as an indicator. For example:

      6 rounds

      Hip Flexor Stretch: 10 reps each side

      Cat Cow: 8 reps

      Leg Swings: 8 reps each side

    • For the Regular section, simply use the text "Regular" in the prompt without any signal words for the other section types. For example:

      Make a section

      1a. DB Bench press 6x4 @21lb

      1b. DB Bent over row 6x4 @36lb

      2a. Circular Bear Crawl 6x15sec

      2b. Plyometric Jump 6x2, rest 2min

    • For Freestyle section, simply use the text "Freestyle" with the instruction & exercise name

      Freestyle: Follow your fave video

      Downward Dog

      Seated Forward Fold

      Pigeon Pose

      Child's Pose

  • To make the exercise in a workout more detailed, let’s write down the basic options right after each exercise name, such as %1RM, tempo, weight, reps, duration, or rest time.
    For example: Bird Dog 3x8-10 (each side) rest for 1 minute 30 seconds.

3. Finally, click on the Generate button to start generating the workout & see the magic.

Generate workout by PDF

Refer to this article.

Workout Builder interface (Right)

There is a new feature added to this panel that allows you to create a new exercise if it is not available in the Exercise Library. To add a new exercise, simply click on the Create this exercise button at the exercise that is indicated by a red border.

Other than that, we did not change any other features on this panel. You are still able to make changes manually as a normal mode.

Generate another workout

If you wish to generate a workout using a different prompt, just click on the "Start Over" button. Upon confirming this action, all entered data will be reset, and the generated workout will be cleared. Remember to save it if you want to keep it before taking this action.

Leave feedback about the generated workout

After generating a workout, you'll have the option to provide feedback regarding its performance and offer additional comments about the workout. To do so, simply click on the "Feedback" button to open the "Provide feedback" pop-up.

If you have any additional questions or feedback, click the "Tell us more" button to share your thoughts further.

Alternatively, if you're satisfied with the generated workout, you can express your gratitude by liking it.

With Everfit's AI Assistant, creating tailored workouts for your clients is more efficient than ever. By understanding how to use the AI Workout Builder and writing effective prompts, you can streamline your training regimen assignments and enhance your clients' fitness experience. Let's get started and see the magic happen!

Usage Limit Guidelines

Each workspace is allocated 100 requests. When you reach 90 requests, a counter will appear to notify you that you’re nearing your limit. If you need more, you can always request additional usage.

When your workspace reaches the 100-request limit, simply submit a request for additional usage. Once we review and approve your request, you’ll receive an email notification, allowing you to continue building your workouts with AI without interruption.

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