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Manage Client Subscriptions

Learn how you can cancel or pause a recurring subscription and resume it any time you want.

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over 9 months ago

Need to cancel or pause client subscriptions for a while until they can fully come back to your training? No worries, we’ve got you covered. With just a few simple clicks, you can pause a recurring subscription and resume it any time you want.

Check out our video tutorial on how to manage your clients' payments here.

How to Pause a Subscription

  1. From the Active Purchases list, you can find the client's subscription and hover on the menu button ("3 dots") to choose the 'Pause Subscription' option.

You will also be able to find this option when clicking to view the Purchase Detail. A screen shows up and you click on the ‘...’ button to choose the ‘Pause Subscription’ option from there.

2. Once you have the 'Pause Subscription' pop-up open, you can decide how long you would like to pause the subscription. You can choose to skip the next payment or pause until a future date.

3. Once you hit the pause button, the purchase will be set to ‘Paused’ and under the next invoice you will see the date it’s paused until.

4. To view any changes to the client’s payment and subscription, you can head to the Payment Activity page.

How to Resume a Subscription

  1. Similar to when you pause a purchase, you can resume the subscription either from the Active Purchases list or the Purchase Detail.

2. Once you have the 'Resume Subscription' pop-up open, you can decide when to resume the client’s payment and subscription. If you choose to resume immediately, the client’s payment will be processed right after you hit ‘Resume Subscription’, and they will receive an email notification for the charge. Or you can select a date from the dropdown calendar.

3. Once you hit the Resume button, the client’s payment will be updated. You can head to the Payment Activity page to view any changes to the client’s payment and subscription.

How to Cancel a Subscription

  1. Similarly, you can cancel the subscription either from the Active Purchases list or the Purchase Detail.

2. Once you have the 'Cancel Subscription' pop-up open, you can decide whether to cancel immediately or cancel at the end of the current billing period.

Selecting to cancel at the end of the current billing period enables clients to maintain access to the package until the conclusion of their billing cycle, regardless of whether you choose to remove the product after clicking on that option. On the other hand, opting for immediate cancellation results in an immediate loss of access.

3. Once you hit the cancel button, the purchase will be set to ‘Canceled.’ If you select to cancel the subscription at the end of the billing cycle, there will be an option for you to 'undo the cancelation.'

4. To view any changes to the client’s payment and subscription, you can head to the Payment Activity page.

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