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What can you sell with Packages?

Sell one-time payments or recurring subscriptions

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over a year ago

Letโ€™s hear it, โ€œIโ€™m ready to make some money!โ€ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

There are 2 types of packages you can sell on Everfit:

  • One time payments

  • Recurring subscriptions

Weโ€™ll share some examples below of what you can create with packages.

Check out Everfit Payments Tutorials here.

Everfit Payment & Packages

One time payments

This is the most simple type of package you can offer.

As with all packages, you can sell to either existing or potential clients. When a purchase is completed, the individual will be asked to link the purchase to an account. You will be notified by push notification and email for the transaction and also when the purchase is linked. From there, you can process the purchase depending on what is offered.

Some ideas for One-time packages:

  • 1-on-1 Online Coaching (12 weeks)

  • Weight-loss Nutrition Coaching add-on (4 weeks)

  • Online Live Sessions - 5-pack

  • 8-week Mobility Program [using Studio Programs]

  • 3-week Stretch Basics [using Studio Programs]

  • Fitness Nutrition Knowledge pack [using Resource Collections]

Recurring subscriptions

With recurring subscriptions, you will be able to create a package that automatically charges your client at set intervals of time. Imagine collecting payments on time, all the time!

There are 2 types of recurring packages:

  • A package that has a set number of charges

  • A package that recurs forever

Depending on how many times the payments are set to repeat for, before making a purchase, your client will be asked to authorize automatic charges made to their credit card on file for the number of times specified. If the package recurs forever, they will be charged repeatedly at the specified intervals until a coach on your team cancels their purchase.

Some ideas for Recurring packages:

  • Monthly 1-on-1 Coaching

  • Monthly Coaching with Weekly Calls

  • 12-week Training Program [charged weekly]

  • 3-month Membership to DIY programs [using Studio Programs]

  • Monthly Access to Video Workout Library [using Resource Collections]


Next: Letโ€™s dive into How to set up a Package.

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