The Program Master Planner brings you an intuitive, all-in-one weekly and daily view of training programs. Designed to streamline workflows, it allows coaches to effortlessly update entire workout plans in one place.
With its time-saving features and enhanced program management capabilities, it’s a game-changer for delivering a seamless coaching experience.
This feature is available for the Program Library.
Quick links:
How to enable the Master Planner view
To access the Master Planner, locate the toggle within a program in the library.
By default, this toggle is set to "off."
Simply toggle it on to activate the Master Planner view.
When creating a new program, you’ll need to add workouts first before enabling the Master Planner view. This ensures you can duplicate workouts across days or weeks.
For programs with live sync enabled, any changes made in the Master Planner view will automatically sync to the client’s training calendar after saving.
View options
In Master Planner view, you can switch between two distinct views:
Week-to-Week View:
Displays the same day across multiple weeks, e.g., Week 1 Day 1, Week 2 Day 1, Week 3 Day 1, etc.
Maximum of 10 weeks displayed at a time. If your program lasts more than ten weeks, use the dropdown to navigate to another ten weeks.
Horizontal scrolling is available to view all ten displayed weeks.
Select a specific day (e.g., Day 1) to display workouts of that day across all weeks.
Only identical workouts between weeks are shown together for easier updates.
Key Actions in Week-to-Week View:
Select a Different Workout: Use the dropdown menu for a specific day to choose a different workout. Identical workouts on the same day in other weeks will automatically display together.
Copy & Paste Workouts: Copy a workout from one week and paste it into other weeks. Use the Shift key to paste multiple times.
Remove Workouts: Delete workouts from any selected day.
Day-to-Day View:
Displays all days of a single week, e.g., Week 1 Day 1, Week 1 Day 2, Week 1 Day 3, etc.
Select a week using the dropdown list (all program weeks are available).
Scroll through each day to view all workouts included in a day.
Key Actions in Day-to-Day View:
Common actions in both views
Checkbox for “Show Rest Time”:
Enabled by default when Periodization Mode is active.
Check this box to display the rest times for all exercises.
Uncheck to hide rest times for a cleaner view.
Section-Level Actions:
Exercise-Level Actions:
Add Exercises: Insert exercises into a workout or section in workout.
View Exercise Details: Access detailed information about an exercise.
Remove Exercises: Delete selected exercises.
Edit Tracking Fields: Update tracking field values for exercises in a consolidated view.
Add Sets: Add additional sets to exercises.
Link/ Unlink Supersets: Create/ Separate supersets by linking/ unlinking exercises together.
Saving changes
The Save Changes button remains disabled until updates are made.
Once changes are made, the button becomes active.
Changes you’ve made in the Master Planner view are not saved until you click Save Changes.
For programs with live sync enabled, clicking Save Changes will save and sync updates to the client’s training calendar. This process may take a few minutes.