Here are some different actions you can take within the Coach App to manage your Forum:
Change the name, description, and cover photo
Within a Forum page select the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner to open the Forum Details.
To change your cover photo, select the camera icon in the bottom-right corner of the image and choose a photo from your device.
To change the Forum name or description, select Edit forum and edit accordingly.
Customize Notifications
Coaches and clients can easily control notifications! On the Forum Details page, select the Settings tab. Here you have the ability to change the notifications that you will see, as well as the ability to turn them on or off.
Add or Remove Members
On the Forum Details page, you will be able to see information about the clients in your Forum. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the number of clients in the Forum, who the Forum Owner is, and the names of each client in the Forum.
Leave the Forum
Click onto the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner of the page to open the Forum Details.
To leave a Forum, select the Leave forum button and confirm your choice on the pop-up screen.
Note: If you are the only coach in a Forum, leaving will also delete the Forum.
Delete the Forum
To delete a Forum, select Edit forum and click the Delete forum button on this page.