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Autoflow Client Status

How to activate, pause, and remove clients in an Autoflow

Jon Wang avatar
Written by Jon Wang
Updated over a week ago

Just getting started? Check out the Autoflow Overview.

Client status can be viewed and adjusted at any point. Helping you manage and organize your programs.

Active Client

Paused Client

📋 View Client status

In the Clients tab of Autoflow, simply hover the status icon next to each client’s name to see their status. You can also sort and filter your client list by status for easy use!

💁 Change the status of a single client

  1. Going to the Clients tab.

  2. Click  

  3. Click pause, activate, or remove.

👯 Change the status of multiple clients

  1. Going to the Clients tab.

  2. Select the clients you'd like to adjust.

  3. Click ...

  4. Click pause, activate, or remove.

**Note: Any archived clients will automatically be paused.

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