Clients can now seamlessly sync their activities from Apple Health (iOS) and Health Connect (Android) to Everfit, making it easier to keep track of workouts and progress all in one place.
Quick links:
Client App
Enable permissions
Apple Health
To sync activity data, enable the permission in your settings that allows Everfit to access workout data. If you'd like to sync your activity route map, ensure the Workout Routes option is also turned on.
If you're using a smartwatch app
If you're using the Everfit smartwatch app, you'll need to open the app on your smartwatch and grant access to enable activity syncing.
Health Connect
To sync all your exercise activities with Health Connect, ensure that the Exercise permission is enabled in your settings.
How it works
When new activities are available, you’ll receive both an in-app and a push notification.
Tap on the notification to view the list of activities synced from Apple Health/Health Connect. Select the activity you wish to sync. Once it’s successfully synced, it will be removed from the list.
View synced activities
Go to the History screen to view synced activities. Tap on an activity to see its details.
Apple Health
Health Connect
If the activity includes route information, the map will be displayed. You can decide whether to share the activity with your coach by clicking the '...' button in the top-right corner and toggling the sharing setting on or off.
Alternative access
You can also sync activities by going to the app integration screen and clicking the '...' button in the top-right corner to select 'Sync Activity'.
How coaches view synced activities
Coaches will be able to see the details of their client’s synced activities from the History section under the Training tab, just like they view logged activities.
For activities synced from Apple Health, an icon will appear under the activity to differentiate it from activities logged manually.
Click on the activity to view detailed information. If the client has turned on the setting to share their activity route with the coach, the coach will be able to view the map details.
Troubleshooting steps
If you've already granted permission but still can't use this feature, please follow these troubleshooting steps:
Delete the Everfit app from your device.
Go to Settings > Health > Uninstalled Apps > Everfit > Delete All Data.
Reinstall the Everfit app.
Feel free to reach out to if you need any further help!