The sharing settings allow you to control the accessibility of your on-demand assets, including Resource Collections, Resources, Workout Collections, On-demand Workouts, and Studio Programs. There are two main sharing options: Private to owner and Shared with others. Additionally, this provides the ability how to filter assets based on ownership.
I. How to adjust the Sharing Settings for an Asset:
When creating a new asset:
There should be a sharing button to open the Ownership pop-up.
By default:
You can click on each dropdown to adjust the settings to
When there are shared assets from the other coaches
Update Sharing Settings of an Asset:
II. How to filter assets by the Owner:
On the Asset page, you can click on the Filtering button next to the Search field to open the Filtering pop-up
By default, the Owner is set as All which will show all your assets and shared assets from other coaches
You can update the filtering to You to show only your assets