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How to Hide Exercises in Bulk

How to clean the list of system exercises I don't need

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over 7 months ago

Want to have a clean list of exercises? It’s time to organize and clean up your library. Besides selecting exercises one at a time to hide, we’ve made it simple to hide exercises in bulk, to save you time!

1. Navigate to the Exercise Library page from the left-side menu bar.

2. Hover over the image for each exercise and a checkbox will show up. Select the exercises you want to hide or select all of them at once using the checkbox on top.

3. Once you’ve selected the exercises, click the ‘Hide Exercise button to hide the exercises in bulk. You will receive a confirmation before the exercises are hidden.

Cheers to a cleaner Exercise Library!

Note: Once exercises are hidden, they cannot be restored or made visible again.

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