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How to Archive a client

Archive clients so they are not counted towards your subscription plan

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over a week ago

It is really simple to archive a client from your client list, especially when you want to archive the DEMO client profiles after you become more efficient with Everfit.

There are two ways:

  • From the Client List

  • From a client's overview profile

Archive a client from the Client List

Hover on the client's profile pic to select the ones you want to archive. The Action button should show up. You can then choose "Archive clients".

Archive a client from the Overview Profile

Click on the client's name from the homepage to access Client Overview. Click on the Profile to edit client's details

You should be able to archive the client by clicking on the 'archive' icon.

What happened to the Client's archived account

After being archived, the clients will still get to log in and see their data history. They just can't see exercise instructions and track any new workouts.

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