Create personalized recipe collections to keep all your favorites in one place.
Quick links:
How to create a collection
From the You screen, navigate to the Recipe Collections section.
In your collections, you’ll find two types:
Saved Collection: A default collection that includes all saved recipes. This collection cannot be edited, renamed, or removed.
Custom Collections: Collections that you create.
To add a new custom collection:
Tap the Add button in the top right corner.
Name your collection, then tap Next to select recipes from your saved list to add, or leave it blank without any recipes.
Hit Save once you're done.
How to add recipes to your collection
Add recipes from the recipe detail
While viewing a recipe, tap the bookmark icon at the top right corner. This will open a pop-up showing all your collections, including the default "Saved" collection and any custom collections you’ve created.
Default Save:
The recipe will automatically be added to the default "Saved" collection.
To close the pop-up without adding to a custom collection, simply tap outside the pop-up. The recipe will remain in the "Saved" collection.
Save to a Custom Collection:
If you want to save the recipe to a specific custom collection, tap on the desired collection within the pop-up.
Note: A recipe can only be added to one custom collection at a time.
After selecting the collection, the pop-up will close, and the recipe will be added to both the "Saved" collection and the chosen custom collection.
Add recipe from the collection detail
From the collection detail screen, tap the '...' button in the top right corner and select 'Add to Collection'. This will take you to the default 'Saved' collection, where you can select recipes to add to your current collection.
Create a new collection when saving recipes
When saving your favorite recipes, you’ll see an option to create New collection. Just tap it to set up your new collection.
View and manage collection details
Tap on a collection from your collection list to access its details.
Add Recipes to Meal Planner
In the collection detail screen, you can add a recipe to the Meal Planner by tapping the (+) button.
Note: The (+) button won’t appear if:
Access Removed Recipes
If a recipe was removed by your coach, you won’t be able to access it.
You can swipe left on a recipe and tap the Remove button to delete it from the collection.
Edit/Delete a collection
Tap the "..." button at the top right corner of the collection detail screen to edit or delete the collection.
Unsave a recipe from a collection
Unsave from "Saved" Collection:
Tap the bookmark icon at the top of the recipe detail screen.
Then, tap the bookmark next to the "Saved" collection.
If the recipe isn’t saved in any other custom collection, the pop-up will close, and the recipe will be removed from "Saved".
Unsave from a Custom Collection:
If the recipe is saved in another custom collection, a confirmation pop-up will appear.
Confirming will remove the recipe from both the "Saved" collection and the selected custom collection.
Remove from Specific Custom Collections:
To remove a recipe from a specific custom collection, tap on that collection in the pop-up.
The pop-up will close, and the recipe will be removed only from that custom collection.
Note: You can remove a recipe from only one custom collection at a time.
Remove from Collection Detail Screen:
In the collection detail screen, swipe left on the recipe and tap the bookmark icon to remove it from that collection.