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Client app: Meal Planner
Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over a week ago

Clients can create their own Meal Planner by selecting meals from the Recipe Book and recipes from the Flexible Meal Plan for a specified period.

Add recipes to Meal Planner

Add recipe from Recipe Book

From the recipe list, tap the (+) icon to add the recipe to the Meal Planner. Clients can add multiple instances of the same recipe to their Meal Planner.

Alternatively, from the recipe details, tap the three-dot icon to open a pop-up with the option to "Add to Meal Planner."

All recipes from the assigned Flexible Meal Plan will already be included in the Meal Planner.

View Meal Planner

Tap on the Meal Planner icon in the Recipe Books list or Recipe Book details to navigate to the Meal Planner in view mode.

  • Meal Planner - View mode.

Unscheduled recipe section

  • For Recipe Book only:

    All recipes added from the Recipe Book will be listed in the Unscheduled section. The number next to each recipe indicates how many times the client has added it to the Meal Planner.

  • For Flexible Meal Plan only:

    If there is an assigned Flexible Meal Plan, clients will see up to four tabs in the Unscheduled section: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack.

  • For Recipe Book + Flexible Meal Plan:

    Clients will see tabs for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack for recipes from the Flexible Meal Plan, along with a "Added by me" tab for recipes from the Recipe Book.

Planner section

This section displays all recipes that the client has planned for the selected week.

Plan my Meal Planner

In Meal Planner view mode, tap the Edit button, Schedule button, or Planner section to navigate to Meal Plan edit mode and plan recipes for the selected week.

Clients can drag and drop recipes from the Unscheduled section to plan meals for a specific date.

Clients can drag and drop multiple recipes from the Flexible Meal Plan tabs (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack) into their meal planner.

After dropping a recipe, it will be added to the category set by the Coach. However, clients can change the meal category by tapping the "Change" button in the message.

In the "Added be me" tab for Recipe Book, clients can arrange each recipe according to the quantity they've added to the Meal Planner.

After dropping the recipe, clients must select the meal category for the chosen recipe, with the default set to "Breakfast."

Note: If users prefer to save time, they can check the box "Use selected category for next time." This way, when they drag and drop a recipe, the pop-up won't appear, and the recipe will automatically be added to the most recently selected categor

After dragging and dropping, clients can view all selected recipes for the day along with the total nutrition information for that date.

Edit Meal Planner

Tap on a specific date to open the pop-up with the detailed plan for that selected date.

Clients can rearrange recipes for a day and remove recipes from the plan for that date.

Note: Recipes that have already been logged cannot be removed from the Meal Planner.

View Meal Planner on Today, Coaching & Meal Plan screen

Recipe Book Only: If there is a Meal Planner

  • The Today screen will display the "Today's Meals" section if there are plans for today in the Meal Planner.

  • Coaching Screen: The Meal Plan section will be displayed if there are plans for the current week in the Meal Planner.

    Tap on the Meal Plan section to navigate to the Meal Planner in week view mode.

Recipe Book + Structured Meal Plan

The option to plan from the Recipe Book will be displayed with the "My Pick" icon.

Log recipes

Log schedule recipes

  • Tap on a recipe for a specific date to navigate to the recipe details.

  • By tapping the "Log Meal" button, clients can log the recipe for the selected date, including today and past dates.

  • Logged (1): This indicates the total number of times the recipe has been logged for the current week.

Log unscheduled recipes

Tap on a recipe not assigned to a specific date to open a pop-up, allowing clients to select a date for logging the recipe.

Note: Clients can choose the current date or a past date.

Switch view

Tap the icon in the header to toggle between list view and grid view.

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