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Exercise Library Primary Focus

The Primary Focus includes 3 different sections to help you to categorize your exercise

Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over 4 months ago

Muscle Group, Modality, and Movement Pattern are optional to create an exercise.

Exercise Modality

Exercise modalities encompass the various types of physical activities and equipment used in training, that target specific physiological responses and adaptations within the body.

The modality options and general definitions on Everfit are as follows:

Activation - Exercises that aim to engage and prepare specific muscles or muscle groups through targeted exercises to enhance their function and performance, often used in warm-ups and injury prevention.

Agility - Dynamic exercises or drills designed to improve the ability to move quickly and change direction more rapidly and efficiently. These exercises can involve patterns like cutting, jumping & landing and use equipment like ladders, cones, or hurdles.

Cardio - Exercises that involve sustained physical activities (long intervals or steady state efforts) that increase heart rate and respiratory rate, promoting cardiovascular health and endurance. This modality includes activities such as running, cycling, and swimming.

Conditioning - Exercises that involve diverse, high-intensity efforts that target overall physical preparedness and performance enhancement. These exercises are distinct from the Cardio modality, which generally focuses on sustained, steady-state activities aimed at cardiovascular endurance. Conditioning exercises focus on short, intense bursts of activity followed by rest, like burpees or mountain climbers.

Mobility - Exercises that focus on enhancing the range of motion in joints and lengthening of muscles. They can include static, dynamic or PNF stretches.

Myofascial Release - Exercises that involve techniques used to relieve muscle tightness and improve soft tissue by applying gentle, sustained pressure on the muscles and fascia. This modality typically uses tools like foam rollers, massage balls, or handheld rollers.

Power - Exercises that focus on performing movements at high velocity to enhance rate-of-force development (the ability to exert maximum force in minimal time). This modality includes activities like jumping, sprinting, Olympic & other explosive lifts as well as explosive bodyweight movements.

Strength - Exercises that focus on increasing muscle mass and enhancing muscular strength through resistance training. This modality includes a variety of activities such as weightlifting, resistance bands, bodyweight exercises, and machine-based exercises.

Yoga - Exercises that involve common yoga poses and movements, which typically focus on improving mobility, stability, breathing techniques, and meditation practices.

Adding An Exercise Modality

You can choose 1 option for the Exercise Modality. This will show up on the Exercise Library and Exercise pop-up on the Client mobile app when tracking a workout.

Muscle Groups

Exercises can now be tagged and filtered by muscle groups to allow for more effective and specific searching.

The muscle group options on Everfit are:

Core - Typically comprised of Abdominals, Obliques and pelvic floor muscles.

Lower Back - Typically comprised of Erector Spinae, Multifidus & QL’s (Quadratus Lumborum)

Biceps - Typically comprised of Biceps Brachii & Brachialis.

Lower Leg - Typically comprised of the calf (Gastrocnemius & Soleus), shin (Anterior Tibialis & Peroneals) and foot (Flexor & Extensor Digitorium & Hallucis Longus) muscles.

Shoulders - Typically comprised of the Deltoids (Anterior, Posterior & Lateral) and Rotator Cuff muscles (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor & Subscapularis).

Forearms - Typically comprised of the Anterior (Flexors) & Posterior (Extensors) Compartment muscles.

Glutes - Typically comprised of the Gluteus Maximus, Medius & Minimus.

Hamstrings - Typically comprised of the Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus & Semimembranosus.

Hips & Groins - typically comprised of the Adductor group (Adductor Longus, Brevis & Magnus, Gracilis & Pectineus) and the Hip flexors (Psoas Major, Iliacus, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Sartorius and the Piriformis.

Mid Back - Typically comprised of the Lats (Latissimus Dorsi) and Traps (Trapezius).

Chest - Typically comprised of the Pecs (Pectoralis Major & Minor).

Quads - Typically comprised of the Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Lateralis & Intermedius

Upper Back & Neck - Typically comprised of the Levator Scapulae, Trapezius and Rhomboid Major & Minor.

Triceps - Typically comprised of the Long, Lateral & Medial head of the triceps

Full Body - A more generalised option for exercises that use a number of major muscle groups throughout the whole body.

Upper Body - A more generalised option for exercises that may use multiple major upper body muscle groups.

Lower Body - A more generalised option for exercises that may use multiple major lower body muscle groups.

Add Exercise Muscle Group

You can choose up to 3 options for the Exercise Muscle Group. The first selected option will be automatically marked as primary. You can click on the "Star" icon of another selected option to change the primary option.

The Primary Muscle Group will show up on the Exercise Library and Exercise pop-up on the Client mobile app when tracking a workout.

Movement Pattern

Exercise movement pattern categorization involves grouping exercises based on the specific body movements they entail, such as pushing, pulling, squatting, or hinging for improved search filtering functions.

The movement pattern options on Everfit are:

Carry / Gait - Exercises focused on loaded movements that involve walking or moving. Examples include farmer's walks & rucking.

Core Bracing - Exercises focused on preventing core flexion, extension or rotation of the trunk/core. Examples include plank variations & pallof press.

Core Flexion / Extension - Exercises focused on flexing and extending through the trunk of the body. Examples include sit-up & crunch variations as well as supermans.

Core Rotation - Exercises focused on twisting and rotating through the trunk of the body. Examples include Russian twists & wood chops.

Locomotion - Exercises that move the entire body such as monster walks, running & burpees.

Lower Body Hinge - Exercises focused on hip-dominant movements that involve bending at the hips while keeping a flat back. Examples include deadlifts and kettlebell swings.

Lower Body Push - Exercises that focus on the flexion and extension of the knee and ankle joints. Examples include squats and calf raises.

Upper Body Horizontal Pull - Exercises focused on pulling movements performed in a horizontal plane, primarily engaging the back muscles and biceps. Examples include bent-over rows and seated cable rows.

Upper Body Horizontal Push - Exercises focused on pushing movements performed in a horizontal plane, targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Examples include bench press and push-ups.

Upper Body Vertical Pull - Exercises focused on pulling movements directed downward from overhead, targeting the lats and other back muscles. Examples include pull-up & lat pulldown variations.

Upper Body Vertical Push - Exercises focused on pushing movements directed upward, targeting the shoulders, triceps, and upper chest. Examples include overhead presses and handstand push-ups.

Add Exercise Movement Pattern

You can also choose up to 3 options for the Exercise Movement Pattern. The first selected option will be automatically marked as primary. You can click on the "Star" icon of another selected option to change the primary option.

The Primary Movement Pattern will show up on the Exercise Library and Exercise pop-up on the Client mobile app when tracking a workout.

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